Lord Open My Eyes

II Kings 6:15-17

“Lord open my eyes!”

There are those who make the tragic mistake of thinking that vision and sight are one and the same. However, you can have sight and not have vision. And it is also possible to not have sight and yet have great vision. Sounds contradictory but let me give you an example. Neither Ray Charles nor Stevie Wonder had sight yet they were successful because they had great vision. You see, sight is the ability to see that which is made visible to the eye. It is the ability to look at something and identify or describe what you see. In other words, sight enables us to see what is; vision on the other hand enables an individual to look past what they see and see what a thing can become. Yes they are totally opposite! Sight sees problems but vision sees solutions! Sight sees a mess but vision sees a potential miracle! Sight is confined to the present but vision looks pass the present and embraces the future! The bottom line is, we can have excellent sight but if we don’t have vision, we are in trouble.
Such was the case of Elisha’s servant! His sight allowed him to see the Syrian army that surrounded him and Elisha but he could not see the Army of Heaven that surrounded Elisha! It was only after Elisha prayed and asked that his eyes be opened that he was able to see that which was already there!
One of the reasons many believers live defeated lives and never seem to obtain what God has for them is because like Elisha’s servant they only see what’s in front of them. They see problems and not solutions! They see sickness and not healing; poverty and not prosperity; unemployment and not employment; defeat and not victory; confusion and not peace; disappointment and not opportunity. But if you want to change your view ask God to open your eyes! Replace your fear with faith!

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